Plantas-Amplificadores Integrados Hi Fi de Estado Sólido

Solid State Integrated Stereo Amplifiers.





A los circuitos que no usan valvulas se les llama a transistores o de estado solido, porque no usan dispositivos que contienen gas o liquido.

(en) The denomination solid state is applied to components whose circuits do not utilize electronic valves of gas or liquid, but only transistors.


El dispositivo mas común utilizado en alta fidelidad para realizar todas estas misiones, (no solo la amplificación de la señal original sino  su modificación o corrección en muy diversos sentidos) y que constituye el «centro de control» de todo el sistema, recibe el nombre de amplificador integrado. Este elemento reúne, en una sola pieza, al menos dos aparatos más simples: el preamplificador  y el amplificador (o etapa) de potencia. (Fig.5.1) *Manual de Alta Fidelidad y Sonido Profesional. Editorial Marcombo pag 63.




(en) The most common device used in high fidelity for all these missions, (not just the amplification of the original signal but its modification or correction in very different ways) and is the "control center" of the all system, is called integrated amplifier. This element brings together in one piece, at least two devices simpler: the preamplifier and amplifier or stage of power.(Fig.5.1) *Manual Hi Fi and Professional Sound. Publishing house Marcombo.Page 63.


El control de volumen.

¨Los controles de volumen pueden ser de forma lineal o rotativa, y suelen notarse como VOLUMEN, VOLUME o alguna abreviatura adecuada. En aparatos de alta fidelidad suelen ser casi siempre del segundo tipo. El botón de mando que maneja el potenciómetro suele llevar algún tipo de escala fijada sobre el frontal del amplificador. Dicha escala puede ser simplemente orientativa (por ejemplo, marcada linealmente del 0 al 10), o bien indicar la atenuación introducida por el control de volumen. Cuando la escala marca la atenuación de la señal siempre viene en decibelios (dB) de forma que cuando el volumen es nulo, la atenuación marcada es infinita (∞) y cuando el volumen es máximo, la atenuación es de 0 decibeles (dB). Todos los valores intermedios son negativos, y generalmente se marcan pasos cuya diferencia suele ser de 1 ó 2 decibeles¨.

Biblioteca Básica de Electrónica. Sonido. La cadena Hi-Fi. Ediciones Edissa Ltda.



(En) The volume control.

¨Volume controls can be straight or rotation, and are noted as VOLUME, VOLUME or some appropriate abbreviation. In hi-fi equipment they are almost always the second type. The button control that handles the potentiometer usually takes some kind of scale fixed on the front of the amplifier. This scale can be simply reference (for example, marked linearly from 0 to 10) or indicate the attenuation introduced by the volume control. When the scale marks the signal attenuation always comes in decibels (dB) so that when the volume is null, attenuation marked is infinite (∞) and when the volume is maximum, the attenuation is 0 decibels (dB). All intermediate values are negative, and generally steps are marked whose difference is usually 1 or 2 decibels¨.

Basic Electronics Library. Sound. The Hi-Fi Chain. Publishing house Edissa  Ltda.





1) Amplificador stereo integrado Aurex (Toshiba) SB-820. 1975.

    Integrated stereo amplifier Aurex (Toshiba) SB-820. 1975.






1) Amplificador stereo integrado Victor-JVC JA-S9. 1975.

     Integrated stereo amplifier Victor-JVC JA-S9. 1975.






1) Amplificador estereo integrado Grundig V5000. 1980.

    Integrated Stereo Amplifier Grundig V5000. 1980.








1) Amplificador Integrado Estéreo Sharp Optonica SM 4646. 1977-78.

    Integrated Stereo Amplifier Sharp Optonica SM 4646. 1977-78.







1) Leak Amplificador Integrado Estereo 3900A. 1976-78.

    Leak Integrated Stereo Amplifier 3900A. 1976-78.



Amplificador Integrado Leak 3900A y Tuner Leak 3900T.



 1) McIntosh Integrated Amplifier MA 6800. 1998.




Power output: 150 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)

Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.005%

Input sensitivity: 2.5mV (MM), 250mV (line)

Signal to noise ratio: 90dB (MM), 100dB (line)

Speaker load impedance: 2Ω to 8Ω

Dimensions: 179 x 445 x 508mm

Weight: 31.8kg

Year: 1998


2) McIntosh C26 Preamplificador y MC 2105 Power Amplificador. 1968.



Preamplifier C26 Specifications

Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.1%

Gain: 62dB (MM), 20dB (line)

Input sensitivity: 2mV (MM), 250mV (line)

Signal to noise ratio: 74dB (MM), 85dB (line)

Output: 250mV (line), 2.5V (Pre out)

Semiconductors: 18 x transistors, 3 x diodes

Dimensions: 406.4 x 138.1 x 330mm

Weight: 14.97kg

Finish: anodized gold and black

Year: 1968


Power Amplifier MC 2105 Specifications

Power output: 105 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)

Frequency response: 10Hz to 100kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.25%

Input sensitivity: 0.5V

Signal to noise ratio: 90dB

Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 16Ω

Semiconductors: 34 x transistors, 18 x rectifiers and diodes

Dimensions: 411 x 181 x 368mm

Weight: 29.5kg

Year: 1968


3) McIntosh C32 Preamplifier. 1970.




Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.05%

Gain: 62dB (MM), 20dB (line)

Input sensitivity: 2mV (MM), 250mV (line)

Signal to noise ratio: 90dB (MM), 100dB (line)

Output: 250mV (line), 2.5V (Pre out)

Semiconductors: 67 x transistors, 35 x IC, 62 x diodes, 2 x field effect transistors, 1 x SCR

Dimensions: 406 x 138 x 330mm

Weight: 11.79kg


4) McIntosh MC 2205 Power Amplifier.




Power output: 200 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo), 400W into 8Ω (mono)

Frequency response: 10Hz to 100kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.1%

Input sensitivity: 0.75V

Signal to noise ratio: 95dB

Speaker load impedance: 1Ω to 8Ω





1) JVC JA S71.1976.


85 watts RMS  per channel at 1KHz 8 ohm and 0.1 % THD.

130 watts RMS per channel at 1Khz 4 ohm and 0.1% THD.

3 tapes, 2 phonos, 2 aux, tuner, selector load phono cartridge.

Frequency response 10Hz-70kHz, signal to noise ratio of 100dB.







1) Diatone DA U850 .1975.




Output (both ch operation) watts RMS
20Hz - 20kHz : 130W+130W (4ohms)
90W+90W (8ohms)
1kHz: 140W+140W (4ohms)
95W+95W (8ohms)
THD 0.1% (at the time of rating)
0.05% (1 W:00)
Cross modulation distortion 0.05% (1 W:00)
Power bandwidth 10Hz - 30kHz
Dumping factor 80 (8ohms)
Remains noise 0.4mV
Input sensitivity/impedance 1V/60kohm







1) Denon Integrated Stereo Amplifier. PMA-701. 1976-78. 





2) Denon Integrated Stereo Amplifier PMA 850. 1980.



Corte transversal del transformador toroidal de la fuente de alimentacion del PMA 850.Son transformadores mas voluminosos aunque el flujo magnético queda confinado en el núcleo teniendo flujos de dispersión muy reducidos y bajas pérdidas por corrientes de Foucault.


(EN) Cross section of the toroidal transformer  of the power supply of the model PMA 850.These are transformers bulkier although the magnetic flux is confined to the core having dispersion flows very low and low eddy current Foucault losses.







3) Denon PMA 777. 1984.





1) Sony Integrated stereo Amplifier TA-F60. 1979.


Power output and total Harmonic Distortion: With 8Ω loads, both channel driven, from 20-20 oooHz; rated 75 W per channel minimum RMS power, with no more than 0.01% total harmonic distortion from 250 mW to rated output.


Continuous RMS Power Output:                         At 20-20 KHz

(Less than 0.01% THD, both channels                75 W + 75 W (8 Ω)

driven simultaneously )                                    According to DIN 45500


Power Bandwidth  (IHF):                                     5 Hz-30 KHz (37.5 W output 0.01% THD 8 Ω

Harmonic Distortion:                                        Less than 0.01% at rated output.

                                                                       Less than 0.008% at 10 W output.


Intermodulation Distortion (IM):                         Less than 0.01% at rated output.

                                                                       Less than 0.008% at 10 W output.


 Damping Factor                                                 40 (8 Ω  1 KHz)




2) Sony Integrated stereo Amplifier TA-F70. 1979.


Power output and total Harmonic Distortion: With 8Ω loads, both channel driven, from 20-20 000Hz; rated 90 W per channel minimum RMS power, with no more than 0.007% total harmonic distortion from 250 mW to rated output.


Continuous RMS Power Output:                        At 20-20 KHz

(Less than 0.01% THD, both channels               90 W + 90 W (8 Ω)

driven simultaneously )                                   According to DIN 45500

Power Bandwidth  (IHF):                                   5 Hz-30 KHz (45 W output 0.007 % THD 8 Ω


Harmonic Distortion:                                       Less than 0.007 % at rated output.

                                                                      Less than 0.003 % at 10 W output.


Intermodulation Distortion (IM):                        Less than 0.007 % at rated output.

                                                                       Less than 0.003 % at 10 W output.


Damping Factor                                               100 (8 Ω  1 KHz)





3) Sony Integrated Stereo Amplifier TA F5. 1977-78.







4) Sony Integrated Stereo Amplifier TA F6B. 1977-81.




5) Sony TA-8650. 1973.




6) Sony TA-F555ES. 1982-85.









1) El ¨monstruo¨de Sansui el AU 20000. 1976. Lo mejor de Sansui, la serie AU.

   The ¨monster¨ of Sansui, the AU 20000. 1976. The best of Sansui, the serie AU.




Power output: 170 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) minimum RMS, per channel, both channels driven into 8 ohms, over 20 to 20KHz bandwidth - with no more than 0.05 % total harmonic distortion.

Frequency response: 10Hz to 50kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.05%

Damping factor: 80

Input sensitivity: 3mV (MM), 130mV (DIN), 130mV (line)

Signal to noise ratio: 70dB (MM), 80dB (DIN), 80dB (line)

Channel separation: 55dB (MM), 60dB (line)

Output: 130mV (line), 30mV (DIN), 0.7V (Pre out)

Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 16Ω

Dimensions: 460 x 178 x 400mm

Weight: 23.6kg

Year: 1976









2) En la fotografia el AU 7700.

   In the picture the AU 7700.







2)Sansui AU D907X. 1979.









1) Amplificador Integrado Estéreo Pioneer SA 8800.Colocado en el mercado de 1979 al 81 a un precio de 550$.

  Pioneer Integrated Stereo Amplifier SA-8800. Placed in the market from 1979 to 1981 a price of 550$





2) El Spec 1 (Preamplificador) y  el Spec 2 (Power o etapa de potencia) las obras maestras  de Pioneer.

The Spec 1 (Preamplifier) and Spec 2 (Power amplifier) the masterpieces of Pioneer.

















Frequency response: 10Hz to 70kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.03%

Input sensitivity: 2.5mV (mic), 2.5mV (MM), 150mV (line)

Signal to noise ratio: 70dB (MM), 90dB (line)

Output: 150mV (line), 2V (Pre out)

Semiconductors: 50 x transistors, 33 x diodes

Dimensions: 480 x 186.5 x 365mm

Weight: 11.2kg

Accessories: connecting cord, hex wrench

Year: 1976





Specifications SPEC 2. (POWER AMPLIFIER)


Power output: 250 watts RMS per channel into 8Ω (stereo)

Frequency response: 5Hz to 80kHz

Total harmonic distortion: 0.1%

Damping factor: 50

Input sensitivity: 2V

Signal to noise ratio: 110dB

Speaker load impedance: 4Ω to 8Ω

Semiconductors: 55 x transistors, 75 x diodes

Dimensions: 480 x 186.5 x 445mm

Weight: 24.3kg

Year: 1976



3) El SA 7500 fué lanzado al mercado en 1975 a un precio de 300$.

  The SA 7500 was thrown to the market in 1975 to a price of 300$.



Parte interna del SA-7500.

The interior of the SA-7500.




4) El SA 7800II fue puesto en el mercado en 1979 a un precio de poco mas de 250$

   The SA 7800II was thrown to the market in 1979 to a price of little but of 250$



5) El SA 8500II fue lanzado al comercio en 1975 a un precio de 400$.

  The SA 8500II was thrown to the commerce in 1975 to a price of 400$.




6) El SA-9100 apareció en 1974 a un precio de alrededor de 400$.

   The SA-9100 appeared in 1974 to a price of around 400$. 




7) El SA-9500II fue lanzado en 1978 a un precio de 450$

  The SA-9500II was thrown in 1978 to a price of 450$



8) El SA-9800 igualmente lanzado al comercio de 1979 a 1981.

  The SA-9800 likewise thrown to the commerce from 1979 to 1981.  



9) El SA-9900 manufacturado en 1975 el mas potente amplificador integrado Pioneer de la serie SA, 110 watts efectivos por canal.

 The SA-9900 manufactured in 1975 the most powerful integrated amplifier Pioneer of the series SA, 110 watts effective per channel. 






10) El A-70 manufacturado de 1982 al 85.120 watts por canal; Distorsión Armónica: no mas de 0.003%. Precio: 610$.

 The A-70 manufactured from 1982 to the 85.120 watts per canal; Harmonic Distortion: not more of 0.003%. Price: 610$. 





11) El A-27 manufacturado entre 1978-83; 120 watts por canal; Distosión Armónica:.0.01%.


 The A-27 manufactured among 1978-83; 120 watts per channel;Harmonic Distosión: .0.01%. Price: 1250$. 







1) El National Technics SU-3500 manufacturado entre 1975-77.

  The National Technics SU-3500 manufactured among 1975-77.



El selector de Modo -hoy difícil de encontrar en los equipos actuales-permitía 5 opciones de audición:

(EN) The mode selector-today difficult to find in new equipment-permitted 5 options of audition:



Stereo o Normal: audición corriente en stereo.

(EN) Current hearing in stereo.

Reverse:  estereofónicamente la señal de audio del canal derecho suena por el iquierdo, y la señal de audio del izquierdo por el derecho.

(EN) stereophonically the signal of audio of the right channel sounds for the left, and the signal of audio of the left by the right. 

L+R: mezcla las señales de los canales derecho e izquierdo y las reproduce monofónicamente. 

(EN) mixes left and right channel signals and reproduces them monophonically.

L: la señal del canal iquierdo es reproducida monofónicamente simultáneamente por ambos altavoces.

(EN) the signal of the left channel is reproduced monophonically simultaneously for both speakers

R: la señal del canal derecho es reproducida monofónicamente simultáneamente por ambos altavoces.

(EN) the signal of the right channel is reproduced monophonically simultaneously for both speakers.




2) Technics DC amplificador SU-V6X fabricado de 1983-86.

   Technics DC amplifier SU-V6X manufactured among1983-86.


3) Technics SU 8088K 1979-80.

   Technics stereo amplifier SU 8088 1979-80.






4) El Technics SU-V10X aparecido en el mercado en 1986, Technics fabricó pocos debido a su alto costo. 150 Watts efectivos por canal a 6 ohms, Distorsón Armónica:0.002%.

 The Technics SU-V10X appeared in the market in 1986, Technics manufactured few due to its high cost.  150 Watts effective by canal to 6 ohms, Harmonic Distortion: 0.002%. 




5) El SU-8099 (99A) colocado en el mercado alrededor de 1979. 120 Watts por canal a 8 ohms y 160 Watts por canal a 4 ohms. Distorsión Armónica:0.007% a 8 ohms y 0.01% a 4 ohms.

  The SU-8900 (99A) placed in the market around 1979.  120 Watts per channel to 8 ohms and 160 Watts per channel to 4 ohms. Harmonic Distortion :0.007% to 8 ohms and 0.01% to 4 ohms. 




1) Accuphase Laboratory INC. saca al mercado el E-202 en 1974, 100 Watts efectivos por canal a 8 Ohms; 140 watts efectivos por canal a 4 ohms; 6 canales de salida en total. 

  Accuphase Laboratory INC. throws to the market the E-202 in 1974, 100 Watts effective per channel to 8 Ohms; 140 Watts effective per channel to 4 Ohms; 6 canals at the outset in total. 




2)Accuphase E-308, lanzado en el año 2000, 100 watts por canal a 8 ohms, 120 watts por canal a 6 ohms, y 140 watts por canal a 4 ohms. Distorsion Armónica: 0.01%.

 Accuphase E-308, thrown in the year 2000, 100 watts per channel to 8 ohms, 120 watts per channel to 6 ohms, and 140 watts per channel to 4 ohms.  Harmonic Distortion: 0.01%. 


3) Accuphase 303; de 130 watts por canal, a 8 ohms, 180 watts por canal a 4 ohms, Distorsión Armónica: menos de 0.02%;  salió al mercado en 1978

  Accuphase 303; 130 watts per channel to 8 ohms, 180 watts per channel to 4 ohms, Harmonic Distortion:less than 0.02%; launched to the market in 1978.






1) El KA-3500 colocado en el mercado en 1977.

  The KA-3500 placed in the market in 1977.



2) Kenwood DC KA-7100. (Parte inferior).1978-81. 

   Kenwood DC KA-7100. (below tuner). 1978-81.




En el Kenwood DC amplificador KA-7100 la diferencia de fase es cero(0) entre la señal de entrada y salida.La forma de onda de salida es un fiel duplicado de la forma de onda de entrada. Los amplificadores DC hacen posible la reproduccion de frecuencias bajas hasta niveles subsónicos (niveles D.C) El resultado es dar una mayor sensación de potencia en la reproducción de audio, reproduciendo los sonidos de alta energía de muy bajas frecuencias (por debajo de 20 Hz) con un rendimiento de sonido en vivo, como solamente un amplificador D.C puede hacerlo.Ademas cuenta con doble fuente de poder para cada uno de los dos canales reduciéndose la Distorsión Armónica y la de  Intermodulación de forma significativa: sólo 0.02%. Sonido maravillosamente refrescante y claro.


 In the DC amplifier Kenwood KA-7100 phase difference is zero (0) between the input signal and output signal.The output waveform is an accurate duplicate of the input waveform. DC amplifiers enable low frequency reproduction to subsonic levels (levels DC) The result is to give a greater sense of power audio playback, playing high-energy sounds of low frequencies (below 20 Hz) with performance live sound, as only DC amplifier can do it. It also has dual power source for each of the two channels reducing Harmonic Distortion and Intermodulation significantly: only 0.02%. Wonderfully refreshing and clear sound.





Breve ejemplo explicativo de la característica de fase entre un amplificador convencional y uno DC (Direct Coupled).


 Brief explanatory example of the characteristic of phase among an amplifier conventional and one DC (Direct Coupled)



3) Kenwood KA-8100. Amplificador DC.1979-82.

   Kenwood KA-8100.DC Amplifier. 1979-82. 


4) KA-907 DC, lanzado al mercado en 1979.150 Watts por canal.

    KA-907 DC thrown to the market in 1979.150 Watts per channel. 




1) Marantz 1120, apareció en 1972, 120 Watts efectivos(RMS) por canal a 8 ohms; 140 watts efectivos (RMS) a 4 ohms.Distorsión Armónica: 0.2%.

  Marantz 1120, appeared in 1972, 120 Watts effective (RMS) per channel to 8 ohms; 140 Watts effective (RMS) to 4 ohms. Harmonic Distortion: 0.2%. 



2) El 1122 amplificador DC, diseñado en USA, fabricado en Japon.1977.

   The DC 1122 amplifier (rare) Designed in USA, manufactured in Japan. 1977.


3) El 1152, amplificador DC.1977.

   Marantz DC amplifier model 1152. 1977.



4)El 1180 DC amplificador.1977.90 Watts efectivos por canal a 8 ohms; 115 Watts efectivos por canal a 4 ohms.Distorsión Armónica: 0.03%

 The Marantz1180 DC amplifier.1977.90 Watts effective per channel to 8 ohms; 115 Watts effective per channel to 4 ohms. Harmonic Distortion: 0.03%




5) El 1300 DC, 150 Watts efectivos (RMS) por canal. Distorsión Armónica: 0.03%.

   Marantz 1300 DC amplifier, 150 watts effective (RMS) per channel. Harmonic Distortion: 0.03%.





1) Yamaha Natural Sound Stereo Amplifier modelo A-500.

    Yamaha Natural Sound Stereo Amplifier model A-500



2)Yamaha Natural Sound Stereo Amplifier modelo CA-2010.

  Yamaha Natural Sound Stereo Amplifier model CA-2010.


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