Todos estos enormes altavoces aguantan sin dificultad alguna mas de 700 Watts ¨reales¨, nominales con una excelsa calidad de sonido.
Potencia admisible en cajas acústicas.
¨Por supuesto, cualquier caja quizá no admita cualquier potencia. Normalmente, existe una relación entre el tamaño de la caja y la potencia admisible por la misma. A mayor volumen de la caja, mayor potencia admite y radia.¨ *Bilioteca Basica de Electrónica. Sonido. La cadena Hi-Fi. Editorial Edissa LTDA. Pags 107-108.
(En) All these huge speakers endure without difficulty over 700 ¨real¨ Watts, nominal with a excelsa sound quality.
Permissible power in speakers.
Of course any box speaker may not support any power. Normally, there is a relationship between the size of the box and the allowable power for the same. A greater volume of the box, supports and radiate more power.
* Electronics Basic LIBRARY. Sound. The Hi-Fi chain. Editorial Edissa LTDA. Pp 107-108.
1) JBL Concert Series Model 4850.
LF(Low Frequency) 1200 watts
HF(High Frequency) 150 watts
2) Meyer Sound MTS-4A.
2480 watts/620 watts 4 ways

3) Meyer Sound MSL-4.
1240 watts 620 watts 2 ways

4) Apogee Sound 3x3.
Apogge 3x3s2 Concert Loudspeaker System
Max. Power Handling:
LF(Low Frequency):800W cont./3200W peak
MF (Medium frequency):150W cont.600W peak
HF(High Frequency):100W cont./400W peak
5) Apogee Sound AE-11.
Max. Power Handling:
1200W cont./4800W peak (600W cont./2400W peak, each driver)
6) Klipsch KP-600.
7) Electro Voice Manifold System.
EV MTH 4/42B
MB/MF/HF 1200watts/120watts/120watts